29 July 2008

CSE Syllabus 4th year


(common with AI2K/EC2K/EE2K/IC2K/IT2K 701)

3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (13 hours)

Principles of management - management functions - planning - organising - organisation structures - span of control - delegation - directing - leadership and motivation - controlling - decision making - single stage decision making under risk - multistage decision making - decision tree - decision making under uncertainty - equally likely, minimax and maximin criteria

Module II (14 hours)

Operation management - production systems and functions - product design and selection - concept of total quality management and ISO 9000 system of standards - concept of supply chain management - project management - projects and management - network analysis - critical path method (CPM) network - finding critical path - slacks - crashing (time-cost trade off) - PERT network

Module III (12 hours)

Marketing management - concept of market and marketing - marketing function - marketing mix - market research - advertising and sales promotion - human resources management - manpower requirement analysis - recruitment and training - job analysis - job evaluation - wages and incentives

Module IV (13 hours)

Financial management - objectives/functions - concept of time value of money - basics of financial accounting - profit and loss account - balance sheet - costing - elements of costs - cost sheet - allocation of overheads - break-even analysis depreciation - significance and methods of depreciation

Text books

1. Mazda F., Engineering Management, Low Price Edition, Addison Wesley

2. Buffa E.S. & Sarin R.K., Modern Production/Operations Management, John Wiley

3. Chase R.B., Aquilano N.J. & Jacobs F.R., Production and Operations Management Manufacturing and Services, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited

4. Kolter P., Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited

5. Venkata Ratnam C.S. & Srivastava B.K., Personnel Management and Human Resources, Tata McGraw Hill

6. Pandey I.M., Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

7. Bhattacharya A.K., Principles And Practice of Cost Accounting, Wheeler Publishing

Reference books

1. Koontz H., O’Donnel C. & Weihrich H., Essentials of Management, McGraw Hill Book Company

2. Satya Raju R. & Parthasarathy A., Management: Text and Cases, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited

3. Wiest J.D. & Levy F.K., A Management Guide to PERT/CPM, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited

4. Ramaswamy V.S. & Namakumari S., Marketing Management: Planning, Implementation and Control, Macmillan India Limited

5. Srinivasan R., Case Studies in Marketing: The Indian Context, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited

6. Majumadar R., Marketing Research: Text, Applications and Case Studies, New Age International (P) Limited Publishers

7. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management: Theory and Practice, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

2 tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module I with choice

to answer any one

Q III - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module II with choice

to answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module III with

choice to answer any one

Q V - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module IV with

choice to answer any one


3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (15 hours)

Fundamentals - task of a computer designer - trends in technology usage and cost - performance measurement - quantitative principles of computer design - instruction set architectures - classification - addressing and operations - encoding an instruction set - role of compilers - case study - the DLX architecture - pipelining - pipeline for DLX - pipeline hazards - data and control hazards - implementation difficulties - pipelining with multicycle operations

Module II (12 hours)

Instruction level parallelism - concepts and challenges - dynamic scheduling - dynamic hardware prediction - multiple issue of instructions - compiler and hardware support for ILP - vector processing - vector architecture - vector length and stride - compiler vectorization - enhancing vector performance

Module III (13 hours)

Memory hierarchy design - reducing cache misses and miss penalty, reducing hit time - main memory - virtual memory and its protection - case study - protection in the Intel Pentium - crosscutting issues - I/O systems - performance measures - reliability and availability - designing an I/O system - case study - Unix file system performance

Module IV (12 hours)

Interconnection networks - simple networks - connecting more than two computers - practical issues - multiprocessors - introduction - application domains - centralised-shared memory and distributed-shared memory architectures - synchronisation - models of memory consistency

Text book

Hennesy J.L. & Pattersen D.A., Computer Architecture: A Quantitative approach, Harcourt Asia Pte Ltd. (Morgan Kaufman)

Reference books

1. Pattersen D.A. & Hennesy J.L., Computer Organisation and Design: The Hardware/ Software Interface, Harcourt Asia Pte Ltd (Morgan Kaufman)

2. Hwang K., Advanced Computer Architecture: Parallelism, Scalability and Programmability, McGraw Hill

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (12 hours)

Divisiblity - gcd and lcm - prime numbers - fundamental theorem of arithmetic - perfect numbers - floor and ceiling functions - congruence: properties - complete and reduced residue systems - Fermat's theorem - Euler function

Module II (12 hours)

Indeterminate equations - linear and second degree diophantine equations - congruences in one unknown - chinese remainder theorem - congruences of higher degree with prime and composite modulo - Wilson's theorem - quadratic residues

Module III (14 hours)

Introduction to cryptography - attacks - services and mechanisms - security attacks - security services - conventional encryption - classical techniques - model - steganography - classical encryption techniques - modern techniques - DES - cryptanalysis - block cipher principles and design - algorithms - triple DES - IDEA - blowfish - confidentiality - placement of encryption function - traffic confidentiality - key distribution - random number generation

Module IV (14 hours)

Public key encryption - RSA algorithm - key management and exchange - elliptic curve cryptography - message authentication - requirements - functions and codes - hash functions - security of hash functions and MACS - hash algorithms - MD5 message digest algorithm - secure hash algorithm - digital signatures - authentication protocols - digital signature standard - authentication applications - kerberos

Text books

1. Hsiung C.Y., Elementary Theory of Numbers, Allied Publishers (World Scientific), Modules I and II

2. Stallings W., Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practice, Pearson Education Asia, Modules III and IV

Reference books

1. Niven & Zuckerman H.S., An Introduction to The Theory of Numbers, John Wiley

2. Schnier B., Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C, John Wiley

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (12 hours)

Computer networks and the Internet - principles of application-layer protocols - HTTP - FTP - e-mail - DNS - socket programming with TCP/UDP - web servers - web pages design using HTML and XML

Module II (13 hours)

Multimedia networking - applications - streaming stored audio and video - Internet telephony - RTP - scheduling and policing mechanisms - integrated services - RSVP - differentiated services - network management - the internet network management framework

Module III (14 hours)

Network security - E-mail security - privacy - S/MIME - IP security - overview - architecture - authentication - header and payload - combining security associations - key management - web security - SSL and transport layer security - SET - systems security - intruders and viruses - firewalls - design - trusted systems

Module IV (13 hours)

Mobile internet - mobile network layer - mobile IP - dynamic host configuration protocol -ad hoc networks - mobile transport layer - implications of TCP on mobility - indirect TCP - snooping TCP - mobile TCP - transmission - selective retransmission - transaction-oriented TCP - support for mobility - file systems - WAP protocols - WML - WML script - wireless telephony applications

Text books

1. Kurose J.F. & Ross K.W., Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, Addison Wesley, Modules I & II

2. Stallings W., Cryptography and Network Security Principles and practice, Pearson Education Asia, Module III

3. Schiller J., Mobile Communications, Addison Wesley, Module IV

Reference books

1. Deitel H.M., Deitel P.J. & Nieto T.R., Internet and World Wide Web: How to Program, Pearson Education Asia

2. Greenlaw R. & Hepp E., In-line / On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web, Tata McGraw Hill

3. Sharma V. & Sharma R., Developing e-Commerce Sites: An Integrated Approach, Addison Wesley

4. Singhal et. al S., The Wireless Application Protocol, Pearson Education Asia

5. Goncalves M., Firewalls: A Complete Guide, Tata McGraw Hill

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


(Common with IT2K 705A)

3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (10 hours)

Introduction - systems and models - computer simulation and its applications - continuous system simulation - modeling continuous systems - simulation of continuous systems - discrete system simulation - methodology - event scheduling and process interaction approaches - random number generation - testing of randomness - generation of stochastic variates - random samples from continuous distributions - uniform distribution - exponential distribution m-Erlang distribution - gamma distribution - normal distribution - beta distribution - random samples from discrete distributions - Bernoulli - discrete uniform - binomial - geometric and poisson

Module II (12 hours)

Evaluation of simulation experiments - verification and validation of simulation experiments - statistical reliability in evaluating simulation experiments - confidence intervals for terminating simulation runs - simulation languages - programming considerations - general features of GPSS - SIM SCRIPT and SIMULA

Module III (15 hours)

Simulation of queueing systems - parameters of queue - formulation of queueing problems - generation of arrival pattern - generation of service patterns - Simulation of single server queues - simulation of multiserver queues - simulation of tandom queues

Module IV (15 hours)

Simulation of stochastic network - simulation of PERT network - definition of network diagrams - forward pass computation - simulation of forward pass - backward pass computations - simulation of backward pass - determination of float and slack times determination of critical path - simulation of complete network - merits of simulation of stochastic networks

Note to the question paper setter - programming questions must be based on `C` language or specified simulation languages in the syllabus

Reference books

1. Deo N., System Simulation And Digital Computer, Prentice Hall of India.

2. Gordan G., System Simulation, Prentice Hall of India.

3. Law A.M. & Ketton W.D., Simulation Modelling and Analysis, McGraw Hill.

Sessional work assessment

Assignments* 2x10 = 20

2 Tests** 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

* One assignment must be computer based. (practical)

** One sessional test must be computer based.(practical)

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


(Common for all programmes)

3 hours lecture and 1-hour tutorial per week

Module I (13 hours)

Introduction - psychology as a science - areas of applications - study of individual - individual differences - study of behavior - stimulus - response behavior - heredity and environment - human mind - cognition - character - thinking - attention - memory- emotion - traits - attitude - personality

Module II (13 hours)

Organizational behavior - definition - development - fundamental concept - nature of people - nature of organization - an organizational behavior system - models - autocratic model - hybrid model - understanding a social - system social culture - managing communication - downward, upward and other forms of communication

Module III (13 hours)

Motivation - motivation driver - human needs - behavior modification - goal setting - expectancy model - comparison models - interpreting motivational models - leadership - path goal model - style - contingency approach

Module IV (13 hours)

Special topics in industrial psychology - managing group in organization - group and inter group dynamics -managing change and organizational development - nature planned change - resistance - characteristic of OD - OD process

Reference books

1. Davis K. & Newstrom J.W., "Human Behavior At Work", McGraw Hill International

2. Schermerhorn J.R. Jr., Hunt J.G. & Osborn R.N., "Managing Organizational Behavior", John Willy

3. Luthans, "Organizational Behavior", McGraw Hill, International

4. Morgan C.T., King R.A., Rweisz J. & Schoples J., "Introduction to Psychology", McGraw Hill

5. Blum M.L. & Naylor J.C., "Industrial Psychology", CBS Publisher, Horper & Row

Sessional work assessment

2 Tests 2 x 15 = 30

2 Assignments 2 x 10 = 20

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module I with choice

to answer any one

Q III - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module II with choice

to answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module III with

choice to answer any one

Q V - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module IV with

choice to answer any one


3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (12 hours)

Introduction - applications - history of wireless communications - reference model wireless transmission - frequencies for radio transmission - signals - antennas - signal propagation - multiplexing - modulation - spread sprectrum - cellular systems - medium access control - specialized MAC - SDMA - FDMA - TDMA - aloha - CSMA - collision avoidance - polling - CDMA - comparison of S/T/F/CDMA

Module II (12 hours)

Telecommunication systems - GSM - mobile services - system architecture - radio interface - protocols - localization and calling - handover - security - new data services - DECT - TETRA - UMTS and IMT-2000 - satellite systems - history - applications - basics - rooting - localization - handover - examples - broadcast systems - overview - cyclic repetition of data - digital audio broadcasting - digital video broadcasting

Module III (12 hours)

Wireless LAN - infrared Vs radio transmissions - infrastructure and adhoc networks - IEEE 802.11 - HIPERLAN - bluetooth - wireless ATM - motivation for WATM working group - WATM services - reference model - functions - radio access layer - handover - location management - addressing - mobile quality of service - access point control protocol

Module IV (16 hours)

Mobile network layer - mobile IP - packet delivery - registration - tunneling and encapsulation - optimizations - reverse tunneling - dynamic host configuration protocol - adhoc networks - routing - algorithms - metrics - mobile transport layer - TCP - indirect TCP - snooping TCP - mobile TCP - retransmission - recovery - transaction oriented TACP - support for mobility - file systems - WWW - WAP - architecture - datagram protocol - transport security - transaction protocol - session protocol - application - environment - WML - WML script - wireless telephony application - example stacks with WAP

Text book

Schiller J., Mobile Communications, Addison Wesley

Reference books

1. Singhal et.al S., The Wireless Application Protocol, Addison Wesley

2. Wesel E., Wireless Multimedia Communications: Networking Video, Voice and Data, Addison Wesley

3. Gordman D., Wireless Personal Communications

4. Comer D.E., Computer Networks and Internets, Addison Wesley

5. Lee W.C., Mobile Collection Tele Communications, McGraw Hill

6. Ojawpera T. & Ranjee Prasad, Wide Band CDMA for Third Generation Mobile Communication

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


(common with IT2K 705D)

3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (12 hours)

Conventional software management - the waterfall model in theory and practice - software economics - pragmatic software cost estimation - reducing software product size - improving software processes - improving team effectiveness - improving automation through software environments - achieving quality - peer inspections - the old and new approaches to software management

Module II (12 hours)

Life cycle phases - inception - elaboration - construction and transition phases - artifacts of the processes - artifact sets - management - engineering and pragmatic artifacts - model based software architectures - software process workflows - iteration workflows - checkpoints - milestones - periodic status assessments

Module III (12 hours)

Iterative process planning - work down structures - planning guidelines - cost and schedule estimating - iteration planning - pragmatic planning - project organizations and responsibilities - process automation tools - project environment - project control and process instrumentation - core metrics - management indicators - quality indicators - life-cycle expectations - pragmatic software metrics - metrics automation - tailoring the process - project discriminants - examples

Module IV (16 hours)

Modern project profiles - continuous integration - early risk resolution - evolutionary requirements - team work - top software management principles and best practices - next generation cost models - modern software economics - modern process transitions - case study - CCPDS - R - the COCOMO cost estimation model

Text book

1. Royce W., Software Project Management: A unified Framework, Addison Wesley

Reference books

1. Conway K., Software Project Management: From Concept to Deployment, IDG Books

2. Jacobson I., Booch G. & Rumbaugh J., The Unified Software Development Process, Addison Wesley

3. Humphrey W.S., Introduction to the Personal Software Process, Addison Wesley

4. Sommerville I., Software Engineering, Addison Wesley

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (13 hours)

Foundations of quantum theory - states - observable - measurement - dynamics quantum measurement - quantum entanglement - bell’s theorems

Module II (13 hours)

Classical information theory - entropy - quantum information theory - quantification of entanglement - communication complexity - quantum cryptography

Module III (13 hours)

Turing machines - reversible computation - universal logic gates and circuits - quantum computers and circuits - quantum algorithms - search - FFT - prime factorisation

Module IV (13 hours)

Quantum simulations - quantum error correction and codes - fault tolerant quantum computation - physical implementations - ion traps - quantum dots - cavity QED - NMR

Reference books

1. Preskill J., Lecture Notes for the Course on Quantum Computation http://www.theory.caltech.edu/people.preskill/ph229

2. Berman G.P., Dooten G.D., Mainieri. R. & Tsifrinovich V., Introduction to Quantum Computers, World Scientific

3. Lo H.K., Popescu S. & Spiller T., Introduction to Quantum Computation and Information, World Scientific

4. Press A., Quantum Theory: Concepts and Methods, Kluwer Academic

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


(common for all programmes)

3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (20 hours)

Entrepreneurial perspectives - understanding of entrepreneurship process - entrepreneurial decision process - entrepreneurship and economic development - characteristics of entrepreneur - entrepreneurial competencies - managerial functions for enterprise

Module II (10 hours)

Process of business opportunity identification and evaluation - industrial policy - environment - market survey and market assessment - project report preparation - study of feasibility and viability of a project - assessment of risk in the industry

Module III (12 hours)

Process and strategies for starting a venture - stages of small business growth - entrepreneurship in international environment - entrepreneurship - achievement motivation - time management creativity and innovation structure of the enterprise - planning, implementation and growth

Module IV (10 hours)

Technology acquisition for small units - formalities to be completed for setting up a small scale unit - forms of organizations for small scale units - financing of project and working capital - venture capital and other equity assistance available - break even analysis and economic ratios technology transfer and business incubation

Reference books

1. Koontz H. & Weihrich H., Essentials of Management, McGraw Hill International

2. Hirich R.D.& Peters Irwin M.P., Entrepreneurship, McGraw Hill

3. Rao T.V., Deshpande M.V., Metha P. & Nadakarni M.S., Developing Entrepreneurship - A Hand Book, Learning Systems

4. Kurado D. & Hodgelts R.M., Entrepreneurship A Contemporary Approach, The Dryden Press

5. Dr Patel V.G., Seven Business Crisis, Tata McGraw Hill

6. Timmons J.A., New Venture Creation - Entrepreneurship for 21st Century, McGraw Hill International

7. Patel J.B., Noid S.S., A Manual on Business Opportunity Identification, Selections, EDII

8. Rao C.R., Finance for Small Scale Industries

9. Pandey G. W., A Complete Guide to Successful Entrepreneurship, Vikas Publishing

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


(common with IT2K 705G)

3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (11 hours)

Overview of relational database concept - object oriented database - overview of object oriented concepts - object definition language - object query languages - object database conceptional design - overview of CORBA standard for distributed objects

Module II (13 hours)

Distributed database concepts - data fragmentation replication and allocation - types of distributed database system - query process - concurrency control for distributed database - overview of client - server architecture and its relationship to distributed database

Module III (13 hours)

Deductive database - introduction to deduction database prolog/datalog notation - interpretation of rules - basic inference mechanism for logic programs - datalog programs and their evaluation - deduction database systems - dataware housing and data mining - database on World Wide Web - multimedia database - mobile database - geographic information system - digital libraries

Module IV (15 hours)

Oracle and microsoft access - basic structure of the oracle system m database structures and its manipulation in oracle - storage organization programming oracle applications - oracle tools - an overview of microsoft access features and functionality of access - distributed databases in oracle

Text book

1. Elmasri & Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Addison Wesley

Reference books

1. Ramakrishnan R. & Gehrke J., Database Management Systems, McGraw Hill

2. O'neil P. & O'neil E., Database Principles, Programming, and Performance, Harcourt Asia (Morgan Kaufman)

3. Silberschatz, Korth H.F. & Sudarshan S., Database System Concepts, Tata McGraw Hill

4. Theory T.J., Database Modelling and Design, Harcourt Asia (Morgan Kaufman)

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


3 hours practical per week

Lab 1,2 : Generation of lexical analyzer using tools such as LEX.

Lab 3,4 : Generation of parser using tools such as YACC.

Lab 5,6 : Creation of Symbol tables.

Lab 7,8 : Creation of type checker.

Lab 9,10 : Generation of intermediate code.

Reference books

1. Halub A.I., Compiler Design in C, Prentice Hall India

2. Appel A.W., Modern Compiler Implementation in C, Cambridge University Press

Sessional work assessment

Laboratory practicals and record = 30

Tests = 20

Total marks = 50


3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Each student is expected to present a seminar on a topic of current relevance in Computer Science and Engineering - they are expected to refer research and review papers from standard journals like ACM, IEEE, JPDC, IEE etc. - at least three cross references must be used - the seminar report must not be the reproduction of the original paper

Sessional work assessment

Presentation = 20

Discussion = 10

Report = 20

Total marks = 50


4 hours practical per week

This project is for a duration of two semesters - each student group (not more than 5 members in a group) is expected to develop a complete product - the design and development may include hardware and/or software - the seventh semester is mainly for the design of the product - an interim report is to be submitted at the end of the semester - the assessment may be made individually and in groups

Sessional work assessment

Design = 25

Attendance = 10

Report = 15

Total marks = 50


(Common with AI2K/EC2K/EE2K/IC2K/IT2K 801)

3 hours lecture & 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (13 hours)

Definition of economics - nature and scope of economic science - nature and scope of managerial economics - basic terms and concepts - goods - utility - value - wealth - factors of production - land - its peculiarities - labour - its peculiarities and division of labour - capital and capital formation - organisation or enterprise - economies of large and small scale - consumption - wants - its characteristics and classification - law of diminishing marginal utility - relation between economic decision and technical decision - economic efficiency and technical efficiency

Module II (13 hours)

Demand - demand schedule - demand curve - law of demand - elasticity of demand - types of elasticity - factors determining elasticity - measurement - its significance - supply - supply schedule - supply curve - law of supply - elasticity of supply - time element in the determination of value - market price and normal price - perfect competition - monopoly - monopolistic competition

Module III (13 hours)

Forms of business - proprietorship - partnership - joint stock company - cooperative organisation - state enterprise - mixed economy - money and banking - nature and functions of money - theory of money - inflation and deflation - banking - kinds - commercial banks - central banking functions - control of credit - monetary policy - credit instrument

Module IV (13 hours)

International trade - distinction between internal and international trade - theory of international trade - free trade v/s protection - balance of trade and balance of payments - exchange control - trade policy of the Government of India - national income - concepts - measurement - difficulties in the measurement its significant - features of underdeveloped economy with special reference to India - taxation - canons of taxation - direct and indirect tax - impact and incidence of the tax - working capital - factors affecting - sources

Reference books

1. Dewett K.K. & Varma J.D., Elementary Economic Theory, S Chand

2. Barthwal R.R., Industrial Economics An Introductory Text Book, New Age

3. Jhingan M.L., Micro Economic Theory, Konark

4. Samuelson P.A., Economics - An Introductory Analysis, McGraw Hill

5. Adhikary M., Managerial Economics

Sessional work assessment

2 Tests 2 x 15 = 30

2 Assignments 2 x 10 = 20

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q1 - 8 short type questions of 5 marks, 2 from each module

QII - 2 questions A and B of 15 marks from module I with choice to

answer any one

QIII- 2 questions A and B of 15 marks from module II with choice to

answer any one

QIV- 2 questions A and B of 15 marks from module III with choice to

answer any one

QV - 2 questions A and B of 15 marks from module IV with choice to

answer any one


3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (13 hours)

Introduction to computer graphics - basic raster graphics algorithms for drawing 2D primitives - scan converting lines - circles - generating characters - geometrical transformations - 2D transformations - homogeneous coordinates and matrix representation of transformations - window-to-viewport transformation - input devices and interactive techniques - interaction hardware - basic interaction tasks - 3D graphics - viewing in 3D - projections - basics of solid modelling - 3D transformations

Module II (10 hours)

Introduction to multimedia - media and data streams - properties of a multimedia system - data stream characteristics - information units - multimedia hardware - platforms - memory and storage devices - input and output devices - communication devices - multimedia software - multimedia software tools - multimedia authoring tools

Module III (12 hours)

Multimedia building blocks - audio - basic sound concepts - music - speech - MIDI versus digital audio - audio file formats - sound for the web - images and graphics - basic concepts - computer image processing - video and animation - basic concepts - animation techniques - animation for the web - multimedia building blocks - audio - basic sound concepts - music - speech - MIDI versus digital audio - audio file formats - sound for the web - images and graphics - basic concepts - computer image processing - video and animation - basic concepts - animation techniques - animation for the web

Module IV (12 hours)

Data compression - storage space and coding requirements - classification of coding/compression techniques - basic compression techniques like JPEG, H.261, MPEG and DVI - multimedia database systems - characteristics of multimedia database management system - data analysis - data structure - operations on data - integration in a database model

Text books

1. Foley J.D., Van Dam A., Feiner S.K., & Hughes J.F., Computer Graphics Principles and Practice, Addison Wesley

2. Steinmetz R. & Nahrstedt K., Multimedia: Computing, Communications and Applications, Pearson Education

Reference books

1. Newmann W & Sproull R.F., Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, McGraw Hill

2. Rogers D.F., Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics, McGraw Hill

3. Hearn D. & Baker P.M, Computer Graphics, Prentice Hall India

4. Koegel Buford J.F., Multimedia System, Addison Wesley

5. Vaughan T., Multimedia: Making it Work, Tata McGraw Hill

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (16 hours)

Introduction - definition and basic concepts - aims - approaches - problems in AI - AI applications - perception and action - representing and implementing action functions - production systems - networks - problem solving methods - forward versus backward reasoning - search in state spaces - state space graphs - uninformed search - breadth first search - depth first search - heuristic search - using evaluation functions - general graph-searching algorithm - algorithm A* - admissibility of A* - the consistency condition - iterative deepening A* - algorithm AO* - heuristic functions and search efficiency - alternative search formulations and applications - assignment problems - constraint satisfaction - heuristic repair - two agent games - the mini-max search - alpha beta procedure - games of chance

Module II (14 hours)

Knowledge representation - the propositional calculus - using constraints on feature values - the language - rules of inference - definition of proof - semantics - soundness and completeness - the PSAT problem - meta-theorems - associative and distributive laws - resolution in propositional calculus - soundness of resolution - converting arbitrary wffs to conjunctions of clauses - resolution refutations - horn clauses - the predicate calculus - motivation - the language and its syntax - semantics - quantification - semantics of quantifiers - resolution in predicate calculus - unification - converting arbitrary wffs to clause form - using resolution to prove theorems - answer extraction - knowledge representation by networks - taxonomic knowledge - semantic networks - frames - scripts

Module III (12 hours)

Neural networks - introduction - motivation - notation - the back propagation method - generalisation and accuracy - reasoning with uncertain information - review of probability theory - probabilistic inference - bayes networks - genetic programming - program representation in GP - the GP process - communication and integration - interacting agents - a modal logic of knowledge - communication among agents - speech acts - understanding language strings - efficient communication - natural language processing - knowledge based systems - reasoning with horn clauses - rule based expert systems

Module IV (10 hours)

Programming in LISP - basic LISP primitives - definitions - Predicates - conditionals - and Binding - recursion and iteration - association lists - properties and data abstraction - lambda expressions - macros - I/O in LISP - examples involving arrays and search

Text book

Nilsson N.J., Artificial Intelligence - A New Synthesis, Harcourt Asia Pte. Ltd.

Reference books

1. Luger G.F. & Stubblefield W.A., Artificial Intelligence, Addison Wesley

2. Elain Rich & Kevin Knight, Artificial Intelligence, Tata McGraw Hill

3. Tanimotto S.L., The Elements of Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science Press

4. Winston P.H., LISP, Addison Wesley

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to answer

any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


(common with IT2K 804, AI2K/EC2K/EE2K/IC2K 805F)

3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (14 hours)

Web commerce concepts - electronic commerce environment - electronic marketplace technologies - web based tools for e-commerce - e-commerce softwares - hosting services and packages - modes of e-commerce - EDI - commerce with WWW/ internet

Module II (12 hours)

Security issues - threats to e-commerce - approaches to safe e-commerce - secure transactions and protocols - intruder approaches - security strategies and tools - encryption - security teams - protecting e-commerce assets - protecting client machines - servers and channels - transaction integrity

Module III (12 hours)

Electronic payment systems - types of e-payment - internet monetary payment and security requirements - payment and purchase order process - electronic cash - electronic wallets - smart cards - credit and charge cards - risks - design of e-payment systems

Module IV (14 hours)

Strategies for marketing - creating web presence - identifying and reaching customers - web branding - sales on the web - strategies for purchasing and support activities - EDI - supply chain management - softwares for purchasing - strategies for web auctions - virtual communities and web portals - international - legal - ethical and tax issues - planning and managing e-commerce projects

Text books

1. Kalakota R. & Whinston A.B., "Frontiers of Electronic Commerce", Addison Wesley

2. Schneider G.P. & Perry J.T., Electronic Commerce, Course Technology

Reference books

1. Westland J.C. & Clark T.H.K., "Global Electronic Commerce", University Press

2. Minoli D. & Minoli E., "Web Commerce Technology Handbook", Tata McGraw Hill

3. Stallings W., "Cryptography and Network Security Principles and practice", Pearson Education Asia

4. Treese G.W. & Stewart L.C., "Designing Systems for Internet Commerce", Addison Wesley

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


(common with IT2K 805A)

3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (10 hours)

Recurrent problems - tower of Hanoi - lines in the plane - the Josephus problem - sums - notation - sums and recurrences - manipulation of sums - multiple sums - general methods - finite and infinite calculus - infinite sums

Module II (18 hours)

Integer functions - floors and ceilings - applications - floor / ceiling recurrences - mod - the binary operation - floor / ceiling sums - number theory - divisibility - primes - prime examples - factorial factors - relative primality - mod - the congruence relation - independent residues - additional applications - phi and mu

Module III (12 hours)

Binomial coefficients - basic identities - basic practice - tricks of the trade - generating functions - hypergeometric - functions - hypergeometric transformations - partial hypergeometric sums - mechanical summations

Module IV (12 hours)

Special numbers - stirling numbers - eulerian numbers - harmonic numbers - harmonic summation - bernoulli numbers - fibonacci numbers - continuants

Text book

Graham R.L., Knuth D.E. & Patashnik O., Concrete Mathematics, Addison Wesley

Reference books

1. Melzak Z.A., Mathematical Techniques for Various Applications, Wiley

2. Melzak Z.A., Mathematical Ideas, Modelling and Applications, Wiley

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


(common with IT2K 805B)

3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (11 hours)

Trends in parallel architectures - convergence of parallel architectures - fundamental design issues - parallel application case studies - the parallelization process - examples

Module II (14 hours)

Programming for performance - partitioning - data access and communications - orchestration for performance - performance factors - case studies - implications for programming models - workload-driven evaluation - scaling workloads and machines - evaluating a real machine - evaluating an architectural idea - illustrating workload characterization

Module III (15 hours)

Cache coherence - memory consistency design space for snooping protocols - assessing protocol design trade-offs - synchronization - snoop-based multiprocessor design - correctness requirements - single-level caches with an atomic bus - multilevel cache hierarchies - split-transaction bus - case studies - extending cache coherence

Module V (12 hours)

Scalable multiprocessors - scalability - realizing programming models - physical DMA - user-level access - dedicated message processing - shared physical address space - clusters and networks of workstations - implications of parallel software - synchronization - directory-based cache coherence - scalable cache coherence - directory-based approaches - assessing directory protocols and tradeoffs - design challengers for directory protocols - memory-based directory protocols - cache-based directory protocols - performance parameters - synchronization - hardware / software tradeoffs

Text book

1. Culler D.E., Singh J.P. & Gupta A., Parallel Computer Architecture: A Hardware/ Software Approach, (Harcourt Asia) Morgan Kaufman

Reference books

1. Sima D., Fountain T. & Kacsuk P., Advanced Computer Architectures, Addison Wesley

2. Hwang K., Advanced Computer Architecture, McGraw Hill

3. Quinn M.J., Parallel Computing Theory and Practice, McGraw Hill

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


(common with AI2K/EC2K/EE2K/IC2K/IT2K/ME2K/PM2K 805C)

3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (13 hours)

Introduction to artificial neural networks - biological neurons - Mc Culloch and Pitts modals of neuron - types of activation function - network architectures - knowledge representation - learning process - error-correction learning - supervised learning - unsupervised learning - single unit mappings and the perceptron - perceptron convergence theorem (with out proof) - method of steepest descent - least mean square algorithms - adaline/medaline units - multilayer perceptrons - derivation of the back-propagation algorithm

Module II (13 hours)

Radial basis and recurrent neural networks - RBF network structure - covers theorem and the separability of patterns - RBF learning strategies - K-means and LMS algorithms - comparison of RBF and MLP networks - recurrent networks - Hopfield networks - energy function - spurious states - error performance - simulated annealing - the Boltzman machine - Boltzman learning rule - the mean field theory machine - MFT learning algorithm - applications of neural network - the XOR problem - traveling salesman problem - image compression using MLPs - character retrieval using Hopfield networks

Module III (13 hours)

Fuzzy logic - fuzzy sets - properties - operations on fuzzy sets - fuzzy relations - operations on fuzzy relations - the extension principle - fuzzy measures - membership functions - fuzzification and defuzzification methods - fuzzy controllers - Mamdani and Sugeno types - design parameters - choice of membership functions - fuzzification and defuzzification methods - applications

Module IV (13 hours)

Introduction to genetic algorithm and hybrid systems - genetic algorithms - natural evolution - properties - classification - GA features - coding - selection - reproduction - cross over and mutation operators basic GA and structure

Introduction to Hybrid systems - concept of neuro-fuzzy and neuro-genetic systems

Reference books

1. Simon Haykins, “Neural Network a - Comprehensive Foundation”, Macmillan College, Proc, Con, Inc

2. Zurada J.M., “Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems, Jaico publishers

3. Driankov D., Hellendoorn H. & Reinfrank M., “An Introduction to Fuzzy Control”, Narosa

4. Ross T.J., “Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications”, McGraw Hill

5. Bart Kosko. “Neural Network and Fuzzy Systems”, Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs

6. Goldberg D.E., “Genetic Algorithms in Search Optimisation and Machine Learning”, Addison Wesley

7. Suran Goonatilake & Sukhdev Khebbal (Eds.), “Intelligent Hybrid Systems”, John Wiley

Sessional work assessment

Test 2 x 15 = 30

Assignment 2 x 10 = 20

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


(common with AI2K/IC2K/IT2K 805D)

3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (12 hours)

Information systems - functions of management - levels of management - framework for information systems - systems approach - systems concepts - systems and their environment - effects of system approach in information systems design - using systems approach in problem solving - strategic uses of information technology

Module II (10 hours)

An overview of computer hardware and software components - file and database management systems - introduction to network components - topologies and types - remote access - the reasons for managers to implement networks - distributed systems - the internet and office communications

Module III (14 hours)

Application of information systems to functional - tactical and strategic areas of management, decision support systems and expert systems

Module IV (16 hours)

Information systems planning - critical success factor - business system planning - ends/means analysis - organizing the information systems plan - systems analysis and design - alternative application development approaches - organization of data processing - security and ethical issues of information systems

Text book

Schultheis R. & Mary Sumner, Management Information Systems-The Manager's View, Tata McGraw Hill

Reference books

1. Landon K.C. & Landon J.P., Management Information Systems - Organization and Technology, Prentice Hall of India

2. Sadagopan S., Management Information Systems, Prentice Hall of India

3. Basandra S.K., Management Information Systems, Wheeler Publishing

4. Alter S., Information Systems: A Management Perspective, Addison Wesley

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one

CS2K 805E : Advanced Topics in Algorithms

3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I: Advanced data structures (13 hours)

Balanced binary search trees - AVL trees - red black trees - B/B+ trees - priority queues - binomial heaps - Fibonacci heaps - mergeable heap operations - disjoint set representation - path compression algorithm - hashing - chaining - open addressing - hash functions - probing - double hashing - universal hashing - graph algorithms - review - DFS - BFS - connected Components - topological sorting - strong connectivity - minimal spanning tree - kruskal and prim algorithms - shortest path problem - Dijkstra’s and bellman - ford algorithms - Johnson’s algorithm for sparse graphs - flow networks - ford fukerson algorithm - maximum bipartite matching - preflow push and lift to front algorithms

Module II (13 hours)

Introduction to parallel algorithms - PRAM models - EREW, ERCW, CREW and CRCW - relation between various models - handling read and write conflicts - work efficiency - Brent's theorem - parallel merging, sorting, and connected components - list rank - Euler tour technique - parallel prefix computation - deterministic symmetry breaking

Module III: Distributed algorithms (13 hours)

Distributed models - synchronous algorithms - leader election - BFS - shortest path - maximal independent set - minimal spanning tree - consensus algorithms with link and process failures - byzantine agreement problem - asynchronous algorithms - Dijkstra’s mutual exclusion algorithm - bakery algorithm - randomized algorithm for dining philosophers’ problem

Module IV Selected topics (13 hours)

Polynomials and FFT - representation of polynomials - DFT and FFT - divide and conquer FFT algorithm - efficient parallel FFT implementations - pattern matching - finite automata based methods - Rabin Karp algorithm - Knuth Morris Pratt algorithm - Boyer Moore heuristic - computational geometry - two dimensional problems - line segment intersection convex hull - Graham’s scan - Jarvis’s march technique - closest pair of points in a set

Text book

1. Cormen T.H., Leiserson C.E., Rivest R.L., Introduction to Algorithms, Prentice Hall of India

Reference books

1. Brassad G. & Bratley P., Fundamentals of Algorithmics, Prentice Hall of India

2. Basse S., Computer Algorithms - Introduction to Design and Analysis, Addison Wesley

3. Lynch N.A., Distributed Algorithms, Harcourt Asia (Morgan Kaufman)

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


(common with IT2K 805F)

3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (12 hours)

Introduction - introduction to statistical - syntactic and descriptive approaches - features and feature extraction - learning - Bayes Decision theory - introduction - continuous case - 2-category classification - minimum error rate classification - classifiers - discriminant functions - and decision surfaces - error probabilities and integrals - normal density - discriminant functions for normal density

Module II (12 hours)

Parameter estimation and supervised learning - maximum likelihood estimation - the Bayes classifier - learning the mean of a normal density - general bayesian learning - nonparametric technic - density estimation - parzen windows - k-nearest neighbour estimation - estimation of posterior probabilities - nearest - neighbour rule - k-nearest neighbour rule

Module III (12 hours)

Linear discriminant functions - linear discriminant functions and decision surfaces - generalised linear discriminant functions - 2-category linearly separable case - non-separable behaviour - linear programming procedures - clustering - data description and clustering - similarity measures - criterion functions for clustering

Module IV (16 hours)

Syntactic approach to PR - introduction to pattern grammars and languages - higher dimensional grammars - tree, graph, web, plex, and shape grammars - stochastic grammars - attribute grammars - parsing techniques - grammatical inference

Text books

1. Duda & Hart P.E, Pattern Classification And Scene Analysis, John Wiley

2. Gonzalez R.C. & Thomson M.G., Syntactic Pattern Recognition - An Introduction, Addison Wesley

Reference book

Fu K.S., Syntactic Pattern Recognition And Applications, Prentice Hall, Eaglewood cliffs

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to answer

any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


3 hours practical per week

Lab 1 : Implementation of PC to PC file transfer using serial port and MODEM.

Lab 2,3: Software Simulation of IEEE 802.3, 802.4 and 802.5 protocols.

Lab 4,5: Software Simulation of Medium Access Control protocols - 1) Go Back N, 2) Selective Repeat and 3) Sliding Window.

Lab 6 : Implementation of a subset of Simple Mail Transfer Protocol using UDP

Lab 7,8: Implementation of a subset of File Transfer Protocol using TCP/IP

Lab 9 : Implementation of “finger” utility using Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Lab 10 : Generation and processing of HTML forms using CGI.

Reference books

1. Richard S.W., Unix Network Programming, PHI

2. Comer D.E., Internetworking with TCP/IP, Vol.1, 2 & 3, PHI

3. Campione et. al M., The Java Tutorial Continued, Addison Wesley

Sessional work assessment

Laboratory practical and record = 30

Tests = 20

Total marks = 50


7 hours per week

This project is the continuation of the seventh semester project - the eighth semester is for the development - testing and installation of the product - the product should have user manuals - a detailed report is to be submitted at the end of the semester - the assessment may be made individually and in groups

Sessional work assessment

Design & development = 40

Testing and installation = 40

Report = 20

Total marks = 100


There is only university examination for this - the university will appoint examiners for conducting the viva voce examination - the examiners will ask questions from subjects studied for the B.Tech course, mini project, project and seminar reports of the student - the relative weightages should be as follows

Sessional work assessment

Subjects : 30

Mini project : 20

Project : 30

Seminar : 20

Total marks : 100

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