29 July 2008

CSE Syllabus 3rd year


(Common to all programmes)

3 hours lecture and 1-hour tutorial per week

Module I (13 hours)

Introduction - FAQs about software engineering - professional and ethical responsibility - system modeling - system engineering process - the software process - life cycle models - iteration - specification - design and implementation - validation - evolution - automated process support - software requirements - functional and non-functional requirements - user requirements - system requirements - SRS - requirements engineering processes - feasibility studies - elicitation and analysis - validation - management - system models - context models - behavior models - data models - object models - CASE workbenches

Module II (13 hours)

Software prototyping - prototyping in the software process - rapid prototyping techniques - formal specification - formal specification in the software process - interface specification - behavior specification - architectural design - system structuring - control models - modular decomposition - domain-specific architectures - distributed systems architecture - object-oriented design - objects and classes - an object oriented design process case study - design evolution - real-time software design - system design - real time executives - design with reuse - component-based development - application families - design patterns - user interface design - design principles - user interaction - information presentation - user support - interface evaluation

Module III (13 hours)

Dependability - critical systems - availability and reliability - safety - security - critical systems specifications - critical system development - verification and validation - planning - software inspection - automated static analysis - clean room software development - software testing - defect testing - integration testing - object-oriented testing - testing workbenches - critical system validation - software evolution - legacy systems - software change - software maintenance - architectural evolution - software re-engineering - data re-engineering

Module IV (13 hours)

Software project management - project planning - scheduling - risk management - managing people - group working - choosing and keeping people - the people capability maturity model - software cost estimation - productivity estimation techniques - algorithmic cost modeling, project duration and staffing quality management - quality assurance and standards - quality planning - quality control - software measurement and metrics - process improvement - process and product quality - process analysis and modeling - process measurement - process CMM - configuration management - planning - change management - version and release management - system building - CASE tools for configuration management

Text book

1. Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering, Pearson Education Asia

Reference books

1. Pressman R.S., Software Engineering, McGraw Hill

2. Mall R., Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Prentice Hall of India

3. Behferooz A. & Hudson F.J., Software Engineering Fundamentals, Oxford University Press

4. Jalote P., An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering, Narosa

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


(Common with IT2K 506A)

3 hours lecture and 1-hour tutorial per week

Module I: Numerical analysis I (10 hours)

Errors in numerical calculations - sources of errors - significant digits - numerical solution of polynomial and transcendental equations - bisection method - regula-falsi method - Newton-Raphson method - fixed point method of iteration - rates of convergence of these methods - solution of system of algebraic equations - exact methods - Crout's triangularization method - iterative methods - gauss - seidel and relaxation method - polynomial interpolation - Lagrange interpolation polynomial - divided differences - Newtons` divided difference interpolation polynomial - finite differences - operators D,Ñ,e,d-gregory - Newton forward and backward difference interpolation polynomials - central differences - stirlings interpolation formulae

Module II: Numerical analysis II (16 hours)

Numerical differentiation - differentiation formulae in the case of equally spaced points - numerical integration - trapezoidal and Simpsons` rules - compounded rules - errors of interpolation and integration formulae numerical solution of ordinary differential equations - single stepmethods - Taylor series method - Eulers` method - modified Eulers` method - Picards` iteration method - runge - kutta methods (2nd, 3rd and 4th order formulae - derivations not required) - multistep methods - Milnes` predictor and corrector formulae

Module III: Optimization techniques I (16 hours)

Optimization methods - mathematical formulation of linear programming problem - simplex method - artificial variables - Charnes M method - two phase technique - duality in linear programming - dual simplex method

Module IV: Optimization techniques II (10 hours)

Transportation assignment and routing problems

Reference books

1. Sastry S.S., Numerical Analysis, Prentice Hall India

2. Froberg, Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Second Edition, Addition Wesley

3. Salvadori & Baron, Numerical Methods in Engineering, Prentice Hall India

4. Gerald, Applied Numerical Analysis, Addison Wesley

5. Grawin W.W., Introduction to Linear Programming, McGraw Hill

6. Gass S.I., Introduction to Linear Programming, Tata McGraw Hill

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to answer

any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (12 hours)

Introduction - role of programming languages - towards higher - level languages - programming paradigms - language description - expression notations - abstract syntax trees - lexical syntax - context-tree grammars - introduction to semantics - imperative programming - statements - syntax - directed control flow - syntactic concerns - handling special cases in loops - types - the role of types - basic types - structured types - procedure activations - introduction to procedures - parameter passing methods - scope rules

Module II (13 hours)

Object oriented programming - grouping of data and operations - constructs for program structuring - information hiding - program design with modules - modules and defined types class declarations - dynamic allocation - templates - object oriented programming - object oriented thinking - inheritance - derived classes and information hiding

Module III (13 hours)

Functional programming - elements of functional programming - a little language of expressions - types - functions declarations - approaches to expression evaluation - lexical scope - type checking - functional programming in a typed language - functional programming with lists - structure of lists - list manipulation - storage allocation for lists

Module IV (14 hours)

Logic programming - computing with relations - introduction to a logic programming language - data structures and control in the language - concurrent programming - parallelism in hardware - implicit synchronization - concurrency as interleaving - liveness properties - safe accon to shaved data - synchronized access to shared variables

Text book

1. Sethi R., Programming Languages: Concepts & Constructs, Addison Wesley

Reference books

1. Scott M.L., Programming Language Pragmatics, Harcourt Asia (Morgan Kaufman)

2. Sebesta R.W., Concepts of Programming Languages, Addison Wesley

3. Tennent R.D., Principles of Programming Languages, Prentice Hall International

4. Appleby D. & Vandekopple J.J., Programming Languages: Paradigm & Practice, Tata McGraw Hill

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


(Common with IT2K 504)

3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (13 hours)

Data communication networks - standards - ISO reference model - internal architecture - protocol implementation issues - transmission media - attenuation and distortion - limited bandwidth - signal types -propagation delay - public carrier circuits - modulation - multiplexing - physical layer interfacing standards

Module II (14 hours)

Data transmission basics - transmission modes - asynchronous and synchronous transmission - bit - character and frame synchronization - coding - error detection methods - parity - block sum check - cyclic redundancy check - data compression - Huffman coding - dynamic Huffman coding - facsimile compression - transmission control circuits - communication control devices

Module III (12 hours)

Protocol basics - error control - stop-and-wait & sliding window protocol - link utilization - selective repeat and go-back-N - link management

Module IV (13 hours)

Data link control protocols - character-oriented protocols - half-duplex protocols - duplex protocols - bit- oriented protocols - high level data link control (HDLC) - LAPB - LAPD - logical link control - protocol operation

Text book

Halsall F., Data Communication, Computer Networks and Open Systems, Addison Wesley

Reference books

1. Forouzan B., Introduction to Data Communication and Networking, Tata McGraw Hill

2. William Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, PHI

3. Prakash C Gupta, Data Communications, PHI

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


(common with IT2K 505)

3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (12 hours)

Review of operating system strategies - resources - processes - threads - objects - operating system organization - design factors - functions and implementation considerations - devices - characteristics - controllers - drivers - device management - approaches - buffering - device drivers - typical scenarios such as serial communications - storage devices etc

Module II (12 hours)

Process management - system view - process address space - process and resource abstraction - process hierarchy - scheduling mechanisms - various strategies - synchronization - interacting & coordinating processes - semaphores - deadlock - prevention - avoidance - detection and recovery

Module III (12 hours)

Memory management - issues - memory allocation - dynamic relocation - various management strategies - virtual memory - paging - issues and algorithms - segmentation - typical implementations of paging & segmentation systems

Module IV (16 hours)

File management - files - implementations - storage abstractions - memory mapped files - directories and their implementation - protection and security - policy and mechanism - authentication - authorization - case study of unix kernel and microsoft windows NT (concepts only)

Text book

1. Nutt G.J., Operating Systems - A Modern Perspective, Addison Wesley

Reference books

1. Silberschatz & Galvin, Operating System Concepts, Addison Wesley

2. Crowley C., Operating Systems- A Design Oriented Approach, Tata McGraw Hill

3. Tanenbaum A.S., Modern Operating Systems, Prentice Hall, Pearson Education

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (13 hours)

Problems and algorithms - classification of problems - decision - search - optimization and enumeration problems - review of unsolvability - rice theorem - fixed point theorem - degrees of unsolvability - complexity classes - P, NP, co-NP, PSPACE - NP hardness - NP completeness - cook’s theorem - reductions - NP Ç co-NP - primality - pratt’s theorem - approximability - weak verifiers and non approximability

Module II (13 hours)

Parallel models and complexity - class NC - P-completeness - lograthimic Space - L and NL - NL completeness - randomized computation - randomized complexity classes RP, BPP, PP etc. - relation between classes

Module III (13 hours)

Function (search) problems - classes FP and FNP - FNP completeness - optimization problems - DP completeness - relation with P=NP problem - polynomial hierarchy - counting problems - #P completeness - class ÅP relation between ÅP and NP

Module IV (13 hours)

One way functions - public key cryptography - class UP - randomized cryptography - alternation and games - AP - completeness - equivalence of AP and PSPACE - PSPACE completeness - games against nature - interactive protocols - classes APP, ABPP and IP - Shamir’s theorem (IP=PSPACE) - zero knowledge proofs

Text book

Papadimitirou C.H., Computational Complexity, Addison Wesley

Reference books

  1. Moret, B.M., The Theory of Computation, Addison Wesley
  2. Bovet D.P. & Crescenzi P., Introduction to the Theory of Complexity, Prentice Hall

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


(common with IT2K 506B)

3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (14 hours)

Noise in communication systems - classification - SNR - CNR - noise figure - relationships between noise figures - voice signal digitization - PAM - PPM - PWM - PCM - delta modulation - PCM and DM voice signal comparison - TDM of PCM signals - CCITT - digital radio - block diagram - ASK - FSK - PSK - QAM - digital demodulation - QAM demodulation

Module II (12 hours)

Line-of sight microwave links - analog line of sight microwave links - digital line of sight microwave links - communication satellites - classification - communication satellite systems - orbits - planetary mechanics - launching - stabilization - subsystems and repeaters - satellite earth stations - antenna subsystems - transmitter - receiver

Module III (13 hours)

Fibre optic communications - nature of light - optical laws - optical fibres - optical sources - photo detection - optical communication systems - system parameters - analog optical fibre links - digital optical fibre systems

Module IV (13 hours)

Satellite access - FDM access - TDM access - satellite links - satellite link analysis and design - digital satellite link design - system measurements - Fourier series - the Z-transform - modulator/demodulator sensitivity measurements - digital microwave link measurements and performance evaluation - high definition TV - system specifications

Text book

Kolimbiris H., Digital Communication Systems, Pearson Education Asia

Reference books

1. Freeman R.L., Tele Communication Transmission Hand Book, Wiley

2. Panther P.F., Communication System Design, McGraw Hill

3. Ramaswami R. & Sivarajan K.N., Optical Networks, Harcourt Asia

4. Gagliardi R.M., Satellite Communications, CBS Publishers

5. Gowar, Optical Communications, PHI

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (10 hours)

Overview of object oriented systems - objects - attributes - encapsulation - class hierarchy - polymorphism - inheritance - messages - history of object orientation

Module II (14 hours)

UML - classes - attributes - and operations - class diagrams - generalizations and association constructs - composition and aggregation - collaboration diagrams - sequence diagrams - asynchronous messages and concurrent execution - state diagrams - nested states - concurrent states and synchronization - transient states - architecture and interface diagrams packages - deployment diagrams for hardware artifacts and software constructs - window-layout and window- navigation diagrams

Module III (14 hours)

Encapsulation structure - connascence - domains of object classes - encumbrance - class cohesion - state spaces and behaviour of classes and subclasses - class invariants - preconditions and post conditions - class versus type - principle of type conformance - principle of closed behaviour - case studies

Module IV (14 hours)

Abuses of inheritance - danger of polymorphism - mix-in classes - rings of operations - class cohesion and support of states and behaviour - components and objects - design of a component - lightweight and heavy weight components - advantages and disadvantages of using components - case studies

Text book

Page Jones M., Fundamentals of Object Oriented Design in UML, Pearson Education

Reference books

1. Booch G., Rumbaugh J. & Jacobsons I., The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, Addison Wesley

2. Bahrami A., Object Oriented System Development, McGraw Hill

3. Rumbaugh J., Jacobson I. & Booch G., The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual, Addison Wesley

4. Larman C., Applying UML & Patterns: An Introduction to Object - Oriented Analysis & Design, Addison Wesley

5. Pooley R. & Stevens P., Using UML: Software Engineering with Objects & Components, Addison Wesley

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (12 hours)

Discrete time signals and systems - discrete signal sequences - linear shift invariant systems - discrete signals - stability and casualty - difference equations - frequency domain representations - fourier transform and its properties - relationship between system representations, review of Z-transforms

Module II (15 hours)

Discrete fourier transform - representation of discrete fourier series - properties of discrete fourier series - periodic convolution - DFT - properties of DFT - computation of DFT - circular convolution - linear convolution using DFT - FFTs - DIT-FFT and DIF-FFT - FFT algorithm for composite N

Module III (13 hours)

Design of digital filters - IIR and FIR filters - low pass analog filter design - Butterworth and Chebyshev filters - design examples - bilinear transformation and impulse invariant techniques - FIR filter design - linear phase characteristics - window method

Module IV (12 hours)

Realization of digital filters - discrete form I and II - cascade and parallel form - finite word length effects in digital filters - quantizer characteristics - saturation overflow - quantization in implementing systems - zero input limit cycles - introduction to DSP processors

Reference books

1. Proakis & Manolalus, Digital Signal Processing, Principles, Algorithm & Applications, Prentice Hall

2. Oppenheim & Schafer, Discrete Time Signal Processing, Prentice Hall

3. Ludeman L.C., Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing, Harper & Row Publishers

4. Van Valkenburg M.E., Analog Filter Design, Holt Saunders

5. Terrel T.J. & Shark L.K., Digital Signal Processing, Macmillan

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


(Common for all programmes)

3 hours lecture and 1-hour tutorial per week

Module I (12 hours)

OOPS and Java basics - Java virtual machine - Java platform API - extended security model - applet classes - exceptions and abstract classes - Java applet writing basics - GUI building with canvas - applet security - creating window applications - writing console applications - utility and math packages

Module II (10 hours)

Swing programming - working with swing components - using the clipboard - input/output streams - printing - working with 2D and 3D Graphics - using audio and video - creating animations

Module III (10 hours)

Java beans development kit - developing beans - notable beans - network programming - client and server Programs - naming and directory services - working with Java management APIS

Module IV (20 hours)

Distributed application architecture - CORBA - RMI and distributed applications - working with remote objects - object serialization and Javaspaces - Java IDL and ORBs, connecting to database - using JDBC - integrating database - support into web applications - Java servlets - JSDK - JAR files - Java native interface

Text books

1. Campione, Walrath & Huml Tutorial team, The Java Tutorial Continued: The Rest of the JDK, Addison Wesley

2. Jamie Jaworski, Java 2 Platform Unleashed: The Comprehensive Solution, SAMS Techmedia

References books

1. Holzner S., Java 2, Swings, Servlets, JDBC & Java Beans Programming, IDG Books

2. Campione M. & Walrath K. The Java Tutorial: Object-Oriented Programming for the Internet, Addison Wesley

3. Naughton Patrick & Herbert Schildt, Java 2: The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw Hill

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


(common with IT2K 506F)

3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (14 hours)

Introduction to MOS technology - IC technology - MOS and VLSI - NMOS and CMOS fabrication - thermal aspects - MOS circuits tub ties and latch up - wire parasitic - design rules and layouts - multilayer CMOS process - layout diagrams - stick diagrams - hierarchical stick diagrams - layout design analysis tools

Module II (14 hours)

Logic gates - review of combinational logic circuits - basic gate layouts - delay - power consumption - speed power product - wires and delay - combinational logic networks - layout design methods -network delay - cross talk - power optimization - switch logic networks

Module III (12 hours)

Sequential machines - latches and flip flops - sequential system design - subsystem design - pipelining - datapaths - adders - ALU - ROM - RAM - FPGA - PLA - multipliers

Module IV (12 hours)

Floor planning - methods - floor plan of a 4 bit processor - off chip connections - architecture design - register transfer design - architecture for low power - architecture testing - cad systems and algorithms - simulation - layout synthesis

Reference books

1. Puck Nell D.A. & Eshraghm K., Basic VLSI Design - Systems and Circuits

2. Mead C., Conway L., Introduction to VLSI System, Addison Wesley

3. Wayne Wolf, Modern VLSI Design, Phipe

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2×10 = 20

2 tests 2×15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module I with choice

to answer any one

Q III - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module II with choice

to answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module III with

choice to answer any one

Q V - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module IV with

choice to answer any one


[common with IT2K 507(P)]

3 hours practical per week

Lab 1: LLab.1: (object-oriented programming in - Java /C+ +) - implementation of abstract data type - binary tree

Lab 1: LLab.2: (object oriented programming) define a base class “shape” and derived classes for rectangle, square, ellipse, circle with proper class hierarchy

Lab 1: LLab.3: (object oriented programming) - define base class for vectors and use inheritance to define complex and real vector with standard operations

Lab 1: LLab.4: (functional programming - in Lisp / scheme / Haskell) - implementation of quick sort

Lab 1: LLab.5: (functional programming) - implementation of binary search tree with insertion, deletion, and search operations

Lab 1: LLab.6: (functional programming) - implementation of set with membership, union, and intersection operations

Lab 1: LLab.7: (logic programming - in prolog / VisiCalc) - program to find the god of two given integers

Lab 1: LLab.8: (logic programming) - program to check whether a given NFA accepts the given string

Lab 1: LLab.9: (concurrent programming - Java / Ada) program to find the least common ancestor of two given nodes in a binary tree

Lab 1: LLab.10: (concurrent programming) - program for the readers and writers problem

Reference books

1. Sethi R., Programming Languages: Concepts and Constructs, Addison Wesley

2. Appleby D. & Vandekopple J.J., Programming Languages: Paradigm and Practice, Tata McGraw Hill

3. Luger & Stubblefield, Artificial Intelligence, Addison Wesley

Sessional work assessment

Laboratory practicals and record = 30

Test/s = 20

Total marks = 50


[common with IT2K 508(P)]

3 hours practical per week

Lab 1 : Identification of components/cards and PC assembling from components

Lab 2 : Assembly language program for implementing arithmetic operations

Lab 3,4: Implementation of a file manager using DOS/BIOS interrupts

Lab 5 : TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) Programming

Lab 6 : ADC interface

Lab 7 : Stepper Motor interface using DAC

Lab 8,9 : Parallel Interface: Printer and HEX keyboard.

Lab 10 : Serial Interface: PC to PC serial interface using MODEM.

Reference books

1. Messmer H.P., The Indispensable PC Hardware Book, Addison Wesley

2. Hall D.V., Microprocessors and Interfacing, Tata McGraw Hill

3. Norton P., Dos Internals

Sessional work assessment

Laboratory practicals and record = 30

Test/s = 20

Total marks = 50


3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (13 hours)

Analysis: RAM model - cost estimation based on key operations - big Oh - big omega - little Oh - little omega and theta notations - recurrence analysis - master's theorem - solution to recurrence relations with full history probabilistic analysis - linearity of expectations - worst and average case analysis of quick-sort - merge-sort - heap-sort - binary search - hashing algorithms - lower bound proofs for the above problems - amortized analysis - aggregate - accounting and potential methods - analysis of Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm - amortized weight balanced trees

Module II (13 hours)

Design: divide and conquer - Strassen's algorithm, o(n) median finding algorithm - dynamic programming - matrix chain multiplication - optimal polygon triangulation - optimal binary search trees - Floyd-Warshall algorithm - CYK algorithm - greedy - Huffman coding - Knapsack, Kruskal's and Prim's algorithms for mst - backtracking - branch and bound - travelling salesman problem - matroids and theoretical foundations of greedy algorithms

Module III (13 hours)

Complexity: complexity classes - P, NP, Co-NP, NP-Hard and NP-complete problems - cook's theorem (proof not expected) - NP-completeness reductions for clique - vertex cover - subset sum - hamiltonian cycle - TSP - integer programming - approximation algorithms - vertex cover - TSP - set covering and subset sum

Module IV (13 hours)

Probabilistic algorithms: pseudo random number generation methods - Monte Carlo algorithms - probabilistic counting - verifying matrix multiplication - primality testing - miller rabin test - integer factorization - Pollard’s rho heuristic - amplification of stochastic advantage - applications to cryptography - interactive proof systems - les vegas algorithms - randomized selection and sorting - randomized solution for eight queen problem - universal hashing - Dixon’s integer factorization algorithm

Text books

1. Corman T.H., Lieserson C.E. & Rivest R.L., Introduction to Algorithms, Prentice Hall India, Modules I, II and III

2. Motwani R. & Raghavan P., Randomized Algorithms, Cambridge University Press, Module IV

Reference books

1. Basse S., Computer Algorithms: Introduction to Design And Analysis, Addison Wesley

2. Manber U., Introduction to Algorithms: A Creative Approach, Addison Wesley

3. Aho V., Hopcraft J.E. & Ullman J.D., The Design And Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Addison Wesley

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


(Common with IT2K 602)

3 hours lecture and 1-hour tutorial per week

Module I (12 hours)

Introduction: characteristics of database approach - advantages of using DBMS - database concept and architecture - data models - schemes - instances - data independence - database languages and interfaces - database modeling using entity - relationship (ER) - entity sets attributes and keys - relationships - type role and structural constraints - weak entity types - enhanced entity-relationship (EER) and object modeling - sub classes - super classes and inheritance - specialization and generalization - modeling of union types

Module II (10 hours)

File organization and storage: secondary storage devices - RAID technology - operations in files - heap files and sorted files - hashing techniques - types of single level ordered index, multi-level indexes - B - trees and B + trees - indexes on multiple keys - other types of indexes

Module III (14 hours)

Database design: functional dependencies - normal forms - general definition of second and third normal forms - boyce-codd normal form - multi valued dependencies and fourth normal form - join dependencies and fifth normal form - inclusion dependencies - practical database design tuning - database design process relational model concepts - relational algebra operations - queries in SQL - insert - delete and update statements in SQL views in SQL

Module IV (16 hours)

Transaction processing: desirable properties of transactions, schedules and recoverability - serializability of schedules concurrency control - locking techniques - time stamp ordering multi version concurrency control - granularity of data items - database recovery techniques based on deferred up data and immediate updating - shadow pages - ARIES recovery algorithm - database security and authorization - security issue access control based on granting/revoking of privileges introduction to statistical database security

Text book

1. Elmasri & Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Addison Wesley

Reference books

1. Ramakrishnan R. & Gehrke J., Database Management Systems, McGraw Hill

2. O'neil P. & O'neil E., Database Principles, Programming, and Performance, Harcourt Asia, Morgan Kaufman

3. Silberschatz A., Korth H.F., & Sudarshan S., Database System Concepts, Tata McGraw Hill

4. Ullman J.D., Principles of Database Systems, Galgotia Publications

5. Date C.J., An Introduction to Database Systems, Addison Wesley

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (13 hours)

Introduction to graphs - definitions - subgraphs - paths and cycles - matrix representation of graphs - Euler tours - chinese postman problem - planar graphs - Euler's formula - platonic bodies - applications of kuratowski's theorem - hamiltonian graphs - graph colouring and chromatic polynomials - map colouring

Module II (14 hours)

Trees - definitions and properties - rooted trees - trees and sorting - weighted trees and prefix codes - biconnected components and articulation points - Kruskal's and Prim's algorithms for minimal spanning trees - Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm - bellman-ford algorithm - all-pairs shortest paths - Floyed-Warshall algorithm - the max-flow min-cut theorem - maximum bipartite matching

Module III (11 hours)

Fundamental principles of counting - permutations and combinations - binomial theorem - combinations with repetition - combinatorial numbers - principle of inclusion and exclusion - derangements - arrangements with forbidden positions

Module IV (14 hours)

Generating functions - partitions of integers - the exponential generating function - the summation operator - recurrence relations - first order and second order - nonhomogeneous recurrence relations - method of generating functions

Text book

1. Grimaldi R.P., Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction, Addison Wesley

Reference books

1. Clark J. & Holton D.A., A First Look at Graph Theory, Allied Publishers (World Scientific)

2. Corman T.H., Leiserson C.E. & Rivest R.L., Introduction to Algorithms, Prentice Hall India

3. Mott J.L., Kandel A. & Baker T.P., Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists And Mathematicians, Prentice Hall of India

4. Liu C.L., Elements of Discrete Mathematics, McGraw Hill

5. Rosen K.H., Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, McGraw Hill

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


(Common with IT2K 604)

3 hours lecture and 1-hour tutorial per week

Module I (13 hours)

Computer networks - local area networks - wired LANs - Ethernet - token ring - token bus - wireless LAN protocols - high speed and bridged LANs - fast Ethernet - IEEE 802.12 - FDDI - bridges

Module II (13 hours)

Wide area networks - characteristics - packet switched networks - circuit switched networks - ISDN - private networks - internetworking - architecture - internetworking issues - Internet protocol standards - IP and IPv6

Module III (13 hours)

Transport protocols - user datagram protocol - transmission control protocol - protocol specification - transport layer - service definition

Module IV (13 hours)

Session layer - presentation layer - data encryption - presentation protocol - remote operations service element - commitment - concurrency and recovery - TCP/IP application protocol - directory service

Text book

Halsall F., Data Communication, Computer Networks and Open Systems, Addison Wesley

Reference books

1. Peterson L.L. &Davie B.S., Computer Networks, A systems approach, Harcourt Asia

2. Keshav S., An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking, AWL

3. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, PHI

4. Leon-Garcia A. & Widjaja I., Communication Networks, Tata McGraw Hill

5. Bertsekas & Gallagar, Data Networks, PHI

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


(common with IT2K 606D)

3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (10 hours)

Introduction - analysis of the source program - phases of a compiler - compiler construction tools - lexical analysis - role of the lexical analyser - specification of tokens - recognition of tokens - lexical analyzer generators

Module II (15 hours)

Syntax analysis: role of the parser - context-free grammars - top-down parsing - bottom-up parsing - operator precedence parsing - LR parsers (SLR, canonical LR, LALR) - parser generators

Module III (13 hours)

Syntax-directed translation - syntax-directed definitions - S-atributed definitions - L-attributed definitions - bottom-up and top-down translation - type checking - type systems - specification of a type checker - run-time environments - source language issues - storage organization - storage allocation strategies - access to non-local names - parameter passing - symbol tables

Module IV (14 hours)

Intermediate code generation - intermediate languages - declarations - assignment statements - Boolean expressions - procedure calls - introduction to code optimization - sources of optimization - introduction to data-flow analysis - introduction to code generation - issues in the design of a code generator - the target machine - a simple code generator

Text book

Aho A.V., Sethi R. & Ullman J.D. Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools, Addison Wesley

Reference books

1. Aho A.V. & Ullman J.D. Principles of Compiler Design, Narosa

2. Muchnick S.S., Advanced Compiler Design Implementation, Harcourt Asia (Morgan Kaufman)

3. Holub A.I., Compiler Design in C, Prentice Hall India

4. Appel A.W., Modern Compiler Implementation in C, Cambridge University Press

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


(Common with IT2K 606A)

3 hours lecture and 1-hour tutorial per week

Module I (13 hours)

Markov chains and poisson processes (a brief revision) - continuous time Markov chains - definition -transition probability function - Chapman - Kolmogorov equations - rate matrix - Kolmogorov forward and backward equations - computing the transition probabilities - limiting probabilities - pure birth process - birth and death process - M/ M/ 1 queue

Module II (13 hours)

Renewal theory and its applications - the renewal process N(t) - distribution of N(t) - renewal function - renewal equation - limit theorems and their applications - elementary renewal theorem (without proof ) - applications of renewal theorem - central limit theorem of renewal processes (without proof) - renewal reward processes - regenerative processes - delayed renewal processes - alternating renewal processes

Module III (13 hours)

Queueing theory I: introduction - preliminaries - cost equations - Little’s formula - steady state probability - exponential models - single server exponential queueing system - single server exponential - system having finite capacity - a queueing system with bulk service - network of queues - open systems - closed systems - the system M/G/1 - preliminaries - work and cost identity - applications of work to M/G/1 - busy periods - discussion of M/D/1 model and M/Ek/1 model

Module IV (13 hours)

Queueing theory II: variations on the M/G/1 - the M/G/1 with random sized batch arrivals - priority queues - the model G/M/1 - the G/M/1 busy and idle periods - multi server queues - Erlang loss system - the M/M/k queue -the G/M/k queue - the M/G/k queue - M/G/¥ queue

Text book

Ross S.M., Introduction to Probability Models, Sixth edition, Harcourt Asia Pvt. Ltd. and Academic Press, Chapter 6- sections6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.8; Chapter 7 - sections 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5; Chapter 8 - Sections 8.1 to 8.5 for module 3 and the remaining for module 4

Reference book

Medhi J., Stochastic Processes, Wiley Eastern Ltd.

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


(common with IT2K 606B)

3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (10 hours)

Operating system fundamentals - distributed system concepts and architectures - major design issues - distributed computing environments (DCE)

Module II (13 hours)

Concurrent processes and programming - threads and processes - client server model - time services language mechanisms for synchronization - concurrent programming languages

Module III (13 hours)

Interprocess communication and coordination - message passing communication - request/reply communication - transaction communication - name and directory services - distributed mutual exclusion - leader election

Module IV (16 hours)

Distributed process scheduling - static process scheduling, dynamic load sharing and balancing - distributed process implementation - real-time scheduling - concepts of distributed file systems - distributed shared memory - distributed computer security

Text book

Chow R. & Johnson T., "Distributed Operating Systems and Algorithms", Addison Wesley

Reference books

1. Sinha P.K., "Distributed Operating Systems Concepts and Design", PHI

2. Tanenbaum S., "Distributed Operating Systems", Pearson Education.

3. Coulouris G., Dollimore J. & Kindberg T., "Distributed Systems Concepts And Design", Addison Wesley

4. Singhal M. & Shivaratri, "Advanced Concepts in Operating Systems, Distributed Databases And Multiprocessor Operating Systems", McGraw Hill

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

2 tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


(common with IT2K 606C)

3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (13 hours)

The unified process - use-case driven - architecture-centric - iterative and incremental - life of the unified process - the four Ps - people - project - product - and process in software development - process tools - use cases - capturing - analysis - design and implementation - architectures - use cases - steps - description - iterative and incremental development - risks

Module II (12 hours)

Requirements - purpose and role - domain and business models - capturing the requirements as use cases - artifacts - workers - workflow - analysis - role of analysis - artifacts - workers - workflow

Module III (12 hours)

Design role of design - artifacts - workers - workflow - implementation - role of implementation - artifacts - workers - workflow - test - role of testing - artifacts - workers - workflow

Module IV (15 hours)

Iteration workflow - phases - planning risks - use-case prioritization - resources needed - assessment - inception - phases inception iteration - execution of the workflows - business case - assessment - elaboration - phases - elaboration iteration - execution of the workflows - business case - assessment - construction - phases - construction iteration - execution of the workflows - business case - assessment - transition - phases - activities - business case - assessment - making the unified process work

Text book

1. Jacobson I., Booch G., & Rumbaugh J., The Unified Software Development Process, Addison Wesley

Reference books

1. Kruchten P., The Rational Unified Process: An Introduction, Addison Wesley

2. Bahrami A., Object-Oriented System Development using the Unified Modeling Language, McGraw Hill

3. Oestereich B., Developing Software with UML, Addison Wesley

4. Shaw M. & Garlan D., Software Architecture, Prentice Hall India

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


(Common with EE2K 606D)

3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (20 hours)

Introduction - digital image representation - fundamental steps in image processing - elements of digital image processing systems - digital image fundamentals - elements of visual perception - a simple image model - sampling and quantization - basic relationship between pixels - image geometry - image transforms - introduction to Fourier transform - discrete Fourier transform - some properties of 2-fourier transform (DFT) - the FFT - other separable image transforms - hotelling transform

Module II (12 hours)

Image enhancement - point processing - spatial filtering - frequency domain - color image processing - image restoration - degradation model - diagonalization of circulant and block circulant matrices - inverse filtering - least mean square filter

Module III (10 hours)

Image compression - image compression models - elements of information theory - error-free compression - lossy compression - image compression standards

Module IV (10 hours)

Image reconstruction from projections - basics of projection - parallel beam and fan beam projection - method of generating projections - Fourier slice theorem - filtered back projection algorithms - testing back projection algorithms

Text book

Rafael C., Gonzalez & Woods R.E., Digital Image Processing, Addison Wesley

Reference books

1. Rosenfeld A. & Kak A.C., Digital Picture Processing, Academic Press

2. Jain A.K, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs

3. Schalkoff R. J., Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision, John Wiley

4. Pratt W.K., Digital Image Processing, John Wiley

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


(common with AI2K/CE2K/CH2K/EC2K/IC2K/IT2K 606E)

3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I: System concepts and modeling of systems (11 hours)

Systems – subsystems - elements - systems approach - classification of systems - static and dynamic systems - linear and nonlinear systems - distributed and lumped systems - time invariant and time varying systems - stochastic and deterministic systems - system modeling and approximations - superposition principle - homogeneity and additivity - modeling of electrical systems - active and passive elements - resistance inductance and capacitance - dynamic equations using Kirchhoff's current and voltage laws - RL, RC and RLC circuits and their dynamic equations - block diagrams and signal flow graphs - masons gain formula

Module II: Modeling of non-electrical systems (11 hours)

Modeling of translational and rotational mechanical systems - differential equations for mass spring dashpot elements, D'alembert's principle - rotational inertia - stiffness and bearing friction - gear trains - equivalent inertia and friction referred to primary and secondary shafts - dynamic equations for typical mechanical systems - electromechanical analogues - force-current and force-voltage analogue - capacitance and resistance of thermal, hydraulic pneumatic systems - dynamic equations for simple systems - comparison of electrical, electromechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic systems

Module III: Transfer function and time domain analysis (15 hours)

Use of laplace transforms - concept of transfer function - impulse response - convolution integral - response to arbitrary inputs - transfer function of typical systems discussed in Module I - time domain analysis - test inputs - step - velocity and ramp inputs - transient and steady state response - first and second order - under damped and over damped responses - maximum overshoot - settling time - rise time and time constant - higher order systems - steady state error - error constants and error different types of inputs - Fourier series expansion of periodic functions - symmetry conditions - exponential form of Fourier series - Fourier integrals and Fourier transform - spectral properties of signals - analysis by Fourier methods

Module IV: State space analysis and stability of systems (15 hours)

Concept of state - state space and state variables - advantage over transfer function approach - state equations for typical electrical and mechanical and electromechanical systems - representation for linear time varying and time invariant systems - solution of state equation for typical test inputs - zero state and zero input response - concept of stability - bounded input bounded output stability - Lyapunov’s definition of stability - a symptitic stability - Stability in the sense of Lyapunov-Routh Hurwitz criterion of stabilty for Single Input single output linear systems described by transfer function model

Reference books

1. Cheng D.K., Linear Systems Analysis, Addison Wesley

2. Tripati J.N., Linear Systems Analysis, New Age International

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

2 tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions A and B of 15 marks each from module I with choice

to answer any one

Q III - 2 questions A and B of 15 marks each from module II with choice

to answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions A and B of 15 marks each from module III with

choice to answer any one

Q V - 2 questions A and B of 15 marks each from module IV with

choice to answer any one


3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (14 hours)

Information theory - information and entropy - properties of entropy of a binary memory less source - extension of a discrete memory less source - source coding theorem - Shannon-Fano coding - Huffman coding - Lempel ziv coding - discrete memory less source - binary symmetric channel - mutual information - properties - channel capacity - channel coding theorem - information capacity theorem

Module II (14 hours)

Coding - linear block codes - generator matrices - parity check matrices - encoder - syndrome and error detection - minimum distance - error correction and error detection capabilities - cyclic codes - coding and decoding

Module III (14 hours)

Introduction to algebra - groups - fields - binary field arithmetic - construction of galois field - basic properties - computations - vector spaces - matrices - BCH codes - description - decoding - reed solomon codes

Module IV (10 hours)

Coding - convolutional codes - encoder - generator matrix - transform domain representation - state diagram - distance properties - maximum likelihood decoding - Viterbi decoding - sequential decoding - interleaved convolutional codes

Text books

1. Simon Haykin, Communication Systems, John Wiley

2. Shu Lin, Daniel J Costello, Error Control Coding - Fundamentals and Applications, Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs

Reference books

1. Das J., Malik S.K. & Chatterje P.K., Principles of Digital Communication, New Age International Limited

2. Shanmugham S., Digital And Analog Communications, John Wiley

3. Haykin S., Digital Communications, John Wiley

4. Taub & Shilling, Principles of Communication Systems, Tata McGraw Hill

Sessional work assessment

Assignments 2x10 = 20

Tests 2x15 = 30

Total marks = 50

University examination pattern

Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module

Q II - 2 questions of 15marks each from module I with choice to

answer any one

Q III - 2 questions of 15marks each from module II with choice to

answer any one

Q IV - 2 questions of 15marks each from module III with choice to

answer any one

Q V - 2 questions of 15marks each from module IV with choice to

answer any one


[common with IT2K 607(P)]

3 hours practical per week

Operating systems

1. Implementation of dining philosophers problem by multiprogramming using threads, semaphores and shared memory

2. Implementation of ls/dir command of Unix/Dos to display contents of a given floppy disk

3. Program to generate disk usage status report for a given Unix/Dos formatted floppy disk giving details like free space availability etc

4. Implementation of banker’s algorithm

5. Inter-process communication using mailboxes and pipes

Database management systems

1. Conversion of a given relational scheme to 3NF and BCNF

2. Implementation of B tree and B+ tree

3. Implementation of a database stored in an RDBMS accessible through a web browser

4. Program to convert SQL subset into relational algebra (tools like YACC may be used.)

5. Implementation of optimistic concurrency control algorithm

Reference books

1. Nutt G.J., "Operating Systems - A Modern Perspective", Addison Wesley

2. Bach M.J., "The Design of the Unix Operating System", Prentice Hall India

3. Elmasri & Navathe, "Fundamentals of Database Systems", Addison Wesley

4. Ramakrishnan R. & Gehrke J., "Database Management Systems", McGraw Hill

Sessional work assessment

Laboratory practical and record = 30

Test/s = 20

Total marks = 50


3 hours practical per week

Each student group (not more than 5 members in a group) is expected to develop a complete software product using the software engineering techniques - the product is to be deployed and should have user manuals - a detailed report is also to be submitted - the students may be assessed individually and in groups.

Sessional work assessment

Design & development = 20

Testing and installation = 20

Report = 10

Total marks = 50

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